Corteva Agriscience and Symborg, an expert in microbiological technologies, announced on April 19, 2021 that they would enter into a multi-year agreement around a microbe-based nitrogen fixation product in the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina. This agreement will give Corteva an exclusive distribution license for endophytic bacterium Methylobacterium symbioticum provided by Symborg. It works with the plant to secure needed nitrogen from the atmosphere. 

Branded Utrisha™ N nutrient efficiency optimizer, the Corteva product works in natural field conditions, adapting to the plants’ growth needs and helping to sustainably maximize crop yield potential. It will be available for a broad range of crops, including field and row crops, sugar cane, and turf and ornamental, as well as range and pasture. The agreement also enables Corteva and Symborg to co-distribute the product in specialties crops on an exclusive basis.

The collaboration is another step towards the Corteva Agriscience 2030 Sustainability Goals, further expanding Corteva’s expanding Biologicals portfolio.The company has also been leveraging their wide distribution network, market reach and extensive research and development capabilities to promote the new product. 

View the full Press Release.