FutureWaterMainMapAt their meeting on November 17, 2014 the Johnston City Council received information about plans that could affect future development in the northwest area.  As a part of an adequacy study conducted by Foth Infrastructure and Environment – several long-term improvements which could extend water service to the area were identified including the construction of new water mains.

A map of the possible infrastructure improvements was included in the presentation.

One of the goals set by the City Council for 2014 was to conduct a cost/benefit analysis for extending public services to the northwest area.  Council members consented to plans for engaging Foth  to conduct a conceptual study for the extension of a water distribution system and sanitary sewer collection system to the northwest area.  Foth would also be asked to prepare an order of magnitude opinion of probable construction costs for the infrastructure.

The water adequacy report submitted by Foth concluded that the existing water supply capacity for Johnston is sufficient but lacks in redundancy.  Other conclusions include: some booster pumping capacity is deficient; existing storage volume is adequate overall – but not throughout the system; and the needed flow rates and pressures for fire protection are available – but recommended levels of flow duration are not.  Improvements to address these issues may be consider in the capital improvement plan.